
Anit Cheats For Games In Unity

  1. VAC depends on the game server to exclude VAC banned users from games. Thus it only works for multi-player games and does nothing for single player games. VAC requires the Steamworks authentication APIs Authentication must be enforced in the game client and server via the Steam Authentication APIs. An active developer looking for cheats.
  2. Easy™ Anti-Cheat is the industry-leading anti–cheat service, countering hacking and cheating in multiplayer PC games through the use of hybrid anti–cheat mechanisms. Pioneering Security Our approach is constantly evolving, which results in fewer hacking attempts, no false positives, and a healthier, more enjoyable community.

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Explore all the latest artists tools that Unity offers, as well as the tried-and-true staples that have made Unity the premier game building platform for all artists and game creators. Programmer tools. Learn what’s new for developers in Unity, including major updates to DOTS, improved version control, Configurable Enter Play Mode. Use the Anti Cheat Free from GuardingPearSoftware on your next project. Find this utility tool & more on the Unity Asset Store. I'm currently working for a websites client development team and need guidance on where to go for anti-cheat with unity. We have scripting, where a user can code in their own features via a editor we have made in lua, with a scripting api that allows them to interact with parts of the game via said scripting, others can exploit this with tools. We currently don't have any Unity of Command trainers, cheats or editors for PC. We previously evaluated this title and a trainer was not possible or the game is multiplayer/online only so it has been marked as RETIRED. If the state of the game changes where we are able.

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This page is a list of all console commands in the game and what each one does.

Commands[editedit source]

Command NameDescription
ActivateAnniversaryModeNo effect
DebugModeThe combined effects of NoClip and Sanic
DespawnRoamingEntityDespawns the specified entity
DisableCutscenesDisables cutscenes such as the intro animation
DisableDebugLightDisables light debugger
DisableHudDisables the HUD
DisableRoamerDisables the specified entity
DoObjectiveDoes the specified objective (doesn't appear to work, only plays the 'objective complete' sound no matter what is input)
EnableAllRoamersEnables all roaming entities
EnableCutscenesEnables cutscenes
EnableDebugLightEnables light debugger
EnableHudEnables the HUD
EnableRoamerEnables the specified entity
GameStatsDisplays the player's name and the game's seed
string GetEnumValuesUnknown
GodModeMakes the player immune to damage
HealHeals the player the specified amount
KillKills the player
ListEntitiesLists all spawnable entities
ListGamestateFlagsLists all gamestates
ListItemsLists all spawnable items
ListRoamersLists all roamers
ListRoomsLists all rooms in the current zone
NoClipAllows the player to fly and pass through walls
SanicGreatly boosts the player's sprint speed
SetGamestateFlagSets the specified gamestate to true or false depending on the inputted number (does not appear to work currently)
SpawnRoamingEntitySpawns the specified entity
SpawnRoamingEntityHereSpawns the specified entity
SpawnItemSpawns the specified item
SpawnItemsSpawns a specified number of a specified item
TeleportToRoomTeleports the player to a specified room
ToggleFogToggles Fog

Entity List[editedit source]


Gamestate Flag List[editedit source]

Gamestate FlagEffect
auxVentsOnlineActivates vents in Vent Room
650activeAllows SCP-650 to wander
983donePrevents SCP-983 from activating due to the event being considered completed
warehouseDoorsUnlockedNo effect, likely corresponds to a scrapped feature in the Storage Area that existed in patron builds but never made it to full release
131freedAllows SCP-131 to wander
teslaGatesTurnedOffPrevents tesla gates from shocking
teslaOfficesOpenedMakes tesla offices accesible
teslaGateOverchargedActivates tesla gate overcharge mode
securityOfficeHasElevatedPermissionsAllows the player to turn overcharge on and off
1176activeMakes the game consider 1176 active on the player

Item List[editedit source]

SCP-173 DocumentSCP173Doc
SCP-1048-A Incident ReportIR-SCP1048A
Battery (removed item, will fall through floor when spawned)Battery
SCP-079 DocumentSCP079Doc
SCP-096 DocumentSCP096Doc
SCP-682 DocumentSCP682Doc
SCP-939 DocumentSCP-939Doc
SCP-966 DocumentSCP-966 Document
SCP-1048 DocumentSCP1048Doc
SCP-012 DocumentSCP012Doc
SCP-914 Notice Document914NoticeDoc
SCP-372 DocumentSCP372Doc
SCP-330 DocumentSCP330Doc
SCP-714 DocumentSCP714Doc
SCP-1499 DocumentSCP1499Doc
SCP-500 DocumentSCP500Doc
Note concerning SCP-553553Note
SCP-178 DocumentSCP178Doc
Note concerning SCP-939939Note
Note concerning SCP-553's temporary containment chamberCaveNote2
SCP-553 DocumentSCP553Doc
Flamingo DuckFlamingo Duck
Red SCP-330 CandyRedCandy
Yellow SCP-330 CandyYellowCandy
Blue SCP-330 CandyBlueCandy
Small ScrapSmall scrap
Medium ScrapMedium scrap
Large ScrapLargeScrap
Large DuckLargeDuck
Regular SCP-983 CandyRegularCandy
Glowing SCP-983 CandyGlowingCandy
Very Fine SCP-330 CandyVeryFineCandy01
Fine SCP-330 CandyFineCandy01
SCP-207 DocumentSCP207Doc
SCP-169 DocumentSCP169Doc
SCP-983 DocumentSCP983Doc
SCP-1079 DocumentSCP1079Doc
Patron Offices DocumentPatreonOfficeDocument
SCP-169 DiagramSCP169Doc2
Empty Argon CanisterEmptyArgonCanister
Argon CanisterArgonCanister
Helium CanisterHeliumCanister
Hydrogen CanisterHydrogenCanister
H2O CanisterH2OCanister
Oxygen CanisterOxygenCanister
Empty H2O CanisterEmptyH2OCanister
Neon CanisterNeonCanister
Corrupted CanisterCorruptedCanister
SCP-1762 DocumentSCP1762Doc
Duckument 2Duckument2
Medical HypoHealthHypo
Large BandagesLargeBandage
Strong HypoUltraHypo
Security Office KeycardSecurityOfficeKey
Security Admin PasscodeSecurityAdminPasscode
SCP-131 DocumentSCP131Doc
SCP-650 DocumentSCP650Doc
Security Memo 1SecurityMemo1
Security Memo 2SecurityMemo2
SCP-131 Security MemoSCP131SecurityMemo
Pink PicklePatronItemPickle
SCP-1176 DocumentSCP1176Doc

Room List[editedit source]

NOTE: This section will only list prominent rooms. If you need to teleport to a minor room, use the ListRooms command to find it

Secure Storage SL3-ASecureStorage2
Tesla HallwayTeslaHallway2
SCP-1762's Containment ChamberSCP1762C
Secure Storage SL2-ASecureStorage
SCP-1499's Containment ChamberSCP1499C
SCP-650's Containment ChamberSCP650C
Deconamination CheckpointDecontaminationCheckpoint
SCP-173's Containment ChamberSCP173C
Patron Offices (SL2)SL2PatronOffice
Patron Offices (SL1)SL1PatronOffice
SCP-914's Containment ChamberSCP914C
Expansion Zone SL3-ARockroom
Machine HallwaySL3MachineHallway
Packaging/Logistics StorageSL3HallwayWithVent
Auxiliary Containment ChamberSCP1176C
Security OfficeSL1SecurityOffice
Retrieved from 'https://scpunity.gamepedia.com/Command_List?oldid=2439'